Thursday, April 28, 2005


Am I connected or what? I went to Jamie Oliver's blog and saw how he sends in regular photos to his blog under the section moblog. I thought, "Now that's a brilliant idea for someone who wants to update things often but is always on the move and who has no time."
And pictures with MWeb's Mysite have been a nightmare. FTPing them up doesn't work - I have had to upload them individually through the MySite web interface and it just takes forever.

So I went to Flickr. There I noticed you can email your pics in and they automatically get saved into your online collection. Then I noticed you can have photo's automatically published from your online Flikr collection to your blog!!!

So now I am set up to take a photo on my phone, write an accompanying entry and have it automatically published to my Blogger blogs (Itisthequestion and Techalterego).

So expect photos from a nightclub, the back of a London cab or after a hole in one on the golf course!

Whoa! Technology blows me away!


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