Zimbra won't install on Debian testing
When attempting to install or upgrade Zimbra on Debian testing you will get a message regarding an incompatible platform (DEBIANUNKNOWN).
Change to your install directory (installdircetory/packages):
Repeat for each Zimbra Debian package
dpkg-deb -R package tempdir
In tempdir/DEBIAN/control change
Version: 7.1.3_GA_3346.DEBIAN5
Version: 7.1.3GA3346.DEBIANUNKNOWN
dpkg-deb -b tempdir package
(dpkg-deb will complain about the underscores, so remove them)
rm -R tempdir/*
After doing this for each package:
./install.sh --platform-override
Change to your install directory (installdircetory/packages):
Repeat for each Zimbra Debian package
dpkg-deb -R package tempdir
In tempdir/DEBIAN/control change
Version: 7.1.3_GA_3346.DEBIAN5
Version: 7.1.3GA3346.DEBIANUNKNOWN
dpkg-deb -b tempdir package
(dpkg-deb will complain about the underscores, so remove them)
rm -R tempdir/*
After doing this for each package:
./install.sh --platform-override